This is a crucial interview question meant to live your temperament, and the way your temperament can work with this specific job. To answer this question well, it’s necessary to suppose what role you're interviewing for. If you're interviewing for a leadership role and you say that you just are a fan, you almost certainly won’t get that job. If you're interviewing for a job wherever you'd be a part of a team (not the leader) and you say that you just are perpetually the leader, you won’t be a decent fit the team as a result of you can’t work collaboratively.
Are you a leader or follower? |
You might be tempted to knee-jerk reply to the current one: “I’m a leader!” In our society, we tend to tend to revere the perfect of the decisive, powerful leader. However, the reality is that the majority jobs need you to be somewhat of each. we tend to area unit (as a society) moving additional and additional toward cooperative efforts with additional fluid lines of leadership. you may simply at numerous times be a part of a team, reportage to a superordinate, leading a team, or heading a project. That doesn’t mean that your best answer is usually a secure “I’m each.”Think concerning this specific job and what it needs to operate and achieve success.
Whatever your answer, be ready to grant them associate degree example of however you have got done that.
Whatever your answer, be ready to grant them associate degree example of however you have got done that.
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